Basic Policy for Prevention of Damage by Anti-Social Forces

BANKEY, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") establishes the following basic policy to prevent damage by groups or individuals who pursue economic interests through violence, intimidation, or fraudulent means, commonly known as "anti-social forces" (in capturing these, attention is paid to attributes such as organized crime groups, companies related to organized crime groups, racketeers, thugs claiming to be social activists, thugs claiming to be political activists, and special intelligence violent groups, as well as actions such as violent demands and unjust demands beyond legal responsibility). We strive to ensure the appropriateness and integrity of our business operations.

[Basic Policy] The Company and its officers shall adhere to the following principles as the basic principles for preventing damage by anti-social forces:

1. Organizational Response

We will establish a framework for excluding anti-social forces and respond to them as an organization as a whole while ensuring the safety of responding officers.

2. Collaboration with External Specialized Agencies

To prevent damage by anti-social forces, we will collaborate with external specialized agencies such as the police, The National Center for Removal of Criminal Organizations, and lawyers to respond systematically and appropriately.

3. Complete Termination of All Relationships, Including Transactions

We will terminate all relationships, including transactions, with anti-social forces.

4. Legal Response in Civil and Criminal Matters in Emergencies

We will resolutely reject unjust claims by anti-social forces and take legal action as necessary from both civil and criminal aspects.

5. Prohibition of Backdoor Deals and Funding

We will not engage in backdoor deals or provide funding to anti-social forces.

Date of Enactment: January 13, 2024

Yoshihiko Sakamoto, Representative Director and CEO, BANKEY, Inc.